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Abacus training benefits


How Can Abacus Help In A Student

Does Abacus Help A Student In Math?

Abacus training has gained popularity over the last two decades. It was considered a math tool that enhanced mental math calculation abilities. It is often referred to as Abacus Math which was the apparent effect of the abacus training program, but it certainly has much more to be known for. Let us discuss in this blog 'Does Abacus Math help a student?'

It's A Brain Development Tool!

As the Abacus utilizes both hands to function and perform mental maths calculations, it sends stimuli to both the left and right sides of the brain. The process increases the working of the brain and utilizes the right side of the brain, which is dormant in 90% of the right-handed population.

As the development of 75% of the neocortex in the brain occurs during the age of 4 to 14 years, it is the perfect time for getting Abacus for kids, which would nurture this natural development process.

It Makes Kids Confident and Competent!

Since the brain's functioning becomes stronger, kids can understand every subject better, so their performance gets enhanced. The enhanced brain functioning makes them confident to attempt complex problems with ease.

In this competitive age, it gives abacus students an edge over others by preparing them to excel in every field in which they participate.

Online Abacus Now Easy To Access

Mastermind Abacus now has the option of an Online Abacus Class with the most advanced features. The lessons are planned days and are in animated mathematical game format. A teacher conducts the class live through an indigenously developed video conferencing widow. The Student's panel in the software is user-friendly and easy to operate.

Mastermind Abacus program aims at the progress of every student. Therefore, gift your kids an abacus training program with Mastermind this season and make them over-power others with their enhanced learning ability.

You can fill out the inquiry form and book a free demo that would help you decide to enroll your child in the Abacus online class for Mastermind.

Also Read: 5 Major Application Areas Of Abacus

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